[WWYC] : NS contest

Stein Roar Brobakken s-roabr at online.no
Wed Mar 9 14:27:58 PST 2011

Will try to be there :)

Great CW contest

73s Rag LA6FJA

-----Opprinnelig melding-----
Fra: wwyc-bounces at contesting.com [mailto:wwyc-bounces at contesting.com] På
vegne av Fabian Kurz
Sendt: 9. mars 2011 19:51
Til: wwyc at contesting.com
Emne: [WWYC] Fwd: NS contest

----- Forwarded message from ha3nu <ha3nu at dx.hu> -----

From: ha3nu <ha3nu at dx.hu>
Date: Tue, 08 Mar 2011 22:13:54 +0100
Subject: NS contest

Dear CW fans,

You are invited to take part in


- In memoriam of a great CW enthusiast, one of the founder of HACWG -

Date and time of the contest for this year: 11. March 2011 (Friday)

1st period   7MHz    18.30-19.00 UTC
2nd period 3.5MHz    19.00-19.30 UTC

Band: 7010-7040 KHz and 3510-3560 KHz

Mode: CW only

Categories: Single op (single TX)

Exchange: 599 + membership number for HACWG members, 599 + NM to all other 

Call for contest: CQ NS

QSY Rule: If any station make a QSO after a CQ or QRZ he/she have to QSY  
at least 1KHz
        from that frequency to continue the competition.

Multiplier: no multipliers

Score: Each valid contact counts 1 point. The final score the is the total 
number of
           valid QSO's

Awards: A cup will be issued for the winner and awards for the 1-3 places

Log:  Log must be contained: Date, UTC, Callsign, frequency, exchanged  
         Sumary: Callsign, name, address, claimed score of the participant
E-log preffered (plain ASCII format) but paper log also will be accepeted.
         Log deadline: not later than 15 days after the contest to:
         Radio Club, 7100 Szekszard, Rakoczi u. 16., Hungary
         E-mail: ha3kna at tolna.net

Results of past years and other info:


best 73 Lacy HA3NU
President of HACWG

----- End forwarded message -----

Fabian Kurz, DJ1YFK          web: http://fkurz.net/            .---.
Markgrafenstr. 63                                             |  |  |
81827 Munich, Germany        Learn Morse Code Online:         | /|\ |
phone: +49 176 24079617      http://lcwo.net/                  `---'
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