Fabian Kurz mail at fkurz.net
Fri Mar 25 08:53:04 PDT 2011

On Fri, Mar 25, 2011 at 03:47:58PM +0100, Franki ON5ZO wrote:
> OQ5M QRV as SB15 HP unass'ed with a pair of new toys.
> Fingers crossed for propagation (and the added value of the toys)!

Be warned. What you call "toys" is the crack-cocaine of contesting!
There is no way back.

I'll be at DL1A over the weekend, but we won't do any M/x this time. I
may drop in here and then for a while for a quick run with my own call
or DL1A or DM9K or all of them.

Fabian Kurz, DJ1YFK          web: http://fkurz.net/            .---.
Markgrafenstr. 63                                             |  |  |
81827 Munich, Germany        Learn Morse Code Online:         | /|\ |
phone: +49 176 24079617      http://lcwo.net/                  `---'

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