Franki ON5ZO on5zo at telenet.be
Thu Oct 20 11:45:43 PDT 2011

> who is interested to make a team this year for the CQWW SSB.
> Who else is interested ? ES5TV ? CR2X ? NN3W ?

DO NOT team me up with those powerhouses pse, I won't make many millions.

I have no idea yet what to do: SBxx or SOAB. I'd like to play on the higher 
bands for a change (10+15) and have some rate (hence All Band), but it's SSB 
which is a) not good for my motivation to do 48h and b) not the best mode 
for my small setup.

There is still time to form the teams. If I decide SOAB, I can join team B 
or C.

What are the other regular WWYC'ers doing? Who's All Band, who does SB?

73 de Franki ON5ZO = OQ5M

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