Bostjan Voncina - S55O bostjan.voncina at gmail.com
Wed Nov 7 03:28:40 EST 2012

Hello! Here is my report...

What a weather !!!

During the night sat/sun we had the worst wind ever, combined with a snow
storm (now i see what they call horizontal snow) and lots lots of static
all over the bands all the time. But we managed that, what we couldnt
manage was the lack of electricity for 2x 1h and then at 6 in the morning
on sunday it died for 5-6h.
Worst condition on the lower bands cuz of the static that i've ever heard
on the bands during CQWW.  The wind broke one of the harnesses of a 20m
beam, but it stayed up :). The towers were moving in the wind so much, that
it was totaly scarry to sleep in the upper part of the contest hut :).

After that and when the temperature fell for 5-10 degrees in 30 minutes we
decided (if we didnt want to spend the monday on the location) to move out
(there was 30cm+ frozen snow all over.

Pitty the stacks were doing great on the upper bands...

3666 qso in something like 28h.

Hear you in the next one....CQWW CW SOAB S55O part time :) (sunday only)...


Boštjan - Ian S55O

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