FT1000 poor RX IMD

Walt Kornienko k2wk@crystal.palace.net
Thu, 18 Apr 1996 23:57:20 -0400 (EDT)

> Hello!
> I wounder if anyone has tried to do anything to improve the poor
> 3:rd order RX IMD performance off the FT1000 ?
> The problem is probably in the 2:nd mixer,  has anyone tried to
> redesign the 2:nd mixer ? or how about a better roofing filter ?
> etc. etc. ??  Any ideas from someone ?
> 73 de Jim SM2EKM   jeh@on.mobitel.telia.se

Hi Jim.  I inserted a 60 dB filter centered on the offending BC
station, 1360 kHz.  This helped, but didn't completely eliminate
the birdies on 1840 and 1950 kHz.

*                                                               *
*                73 de Walt Kornienko - K2WK (FRC)              *
*								*
*        k2wk@crystal.palace.net  or  K2WK@N2ERH.NJ.NOAM        *
*	 Snail: 52 Sunset Inn Rd  Lafayette,  NJ   07848	*
*        201-579-1966  (machine)  or 201-579-3660 (shack)	*
*                                                               *