Mute mod is for FT-1000MP or FT-1000D or both?
Tyler Stewart
Thu, 1 Aug 1996 23:41:38 -0400
>Ref: Your note of Thu, 1 Aug 1996 18:04:39 -0400
>I did not do your mute mod but it sounds like this mute business must
>be the exact cause of the "dead time" while switching filters (or
>pushing almost any other button).
Exactly. If you turn you beep on and off in the menu, you'll notice the
dead time matches the length of the beep...I guess just to make sure you can
hear your radio beep! Ridiculous!
>However, from the post I can't tell if this mod is for the FT-1000MP
>or the FT-1000D?
It's for the MP. I never looked at the D schematic to see if it's similar.
>Now, what do you mean by "You can no longer mute the main receiver?" What
>happens if you turn the MONITOR volume all the way down?
All it means is that when you hit the RX led/switch by the main VFO, it will not
mute the RX (the led flashes but doesnt mute). No big loss. The other thing is
that you'll hear a bigger "pop" when switching filters, bands, etc., but
it's minor. It doesnt adversely affect the monitor function and does not create
RX noise on TX. Cut the mute line and you wont miss a stride on CW, and
probably not RTTY for that matter.
>Bob, N6TV
73, Tyler KF3P