** New Amateur Radio Reflector **

Brian K. Short ke7gh@primenet.com
Fri, 30 Aug 1996 15:22:22 +-100

Announcing the newest amateur radio mailing list:

BitBucket is a mailing list (reflector) devoted to
specialized amateur radio communication techniques.

       -SSTV, ATV, FAX, APT, DSP
       -Packet, Pactor, GTOR, Clover, RTTY
       -R/C, Telemetry, Balloons, Rockets, Robotics
       -homebrew, modifications, interfacing, widgets, etc

To subscribe, send email with body of message SUBSCRIBE bitbucket

TO:      majordomo@primenet.com
BODY:    SUBSCRIBE bitbucket

As we encourage the free exchange of ideas, if you pay for
email service by the byte you may want to consider carefully 
before subscribing.

BitBucket has NO organizational sponsors (I pay for it myself).

Brian ke7gh@primenet.com >or< http://www.primenet.com/~ke7gh