[Yaesu] Update:FT-1000MP Fan Query
Stephen P. Hart
Sun, 1 Dec 1996 09:44:41 -0800
Thanks to all that have responded. Apparently the fan should cycle on
and off, as it did originally. I'll be talking to Yaesu regarding that
on Monday.
Many have asked what mods Yaesu performed when I sent in my MP. The
two Yaesu-sanctioned mods that I'm aware of are the Heil headphone mod
and the SSB Power Output mod, which makes the RF Power control more
linear when using the processor. My experience has been that when
Yaesu does any work on a unit they also automatically do any
significant component changes they deem necessary, without explanation
of what the changes accomplish. In my case (a year-old radio) they
changed 10-15 parts, mostly resistors/capacitors. You do get a listing
of the parts, but again, no explanation. The only explanation is
"upgrades performed and unit aligned to spec....."..
Hope this info is of some value to other MP users.
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