MP's Mystery Pots ...?
Bill W. Cox [AA4NU]
Mon, 15 Jul 1996 13:01:27 -0500 (CDT)
Hi !
>From page 3-11 of the MP service book ...
Looking at the picture of the board ....
I see two rows, with five pots on the top row, and seven on the lower row
Here's what the labels show ...
VR6804 VR6802 VR6803 VR6801 VR6812
VR6807 VR6808 VR6805 VR6806 VR6809 VR6810 VR6811
Ok, so what are those pots labeled ?
VR6804 - headphone output level preset
VR6802 - headphone output level preset
VR6803 - headphone output level preset
VR6801 - headphone output level preset
VR6812 - tuning meter center point
VR6807 - FM microphone gain
VR6808 - VOX gain preset
VR6805 - delay preset
VR6806 - anti-trip preset
VR6809 - tuning meter preset
VR6810 - tuning meter preset
VR6811 - tuning meter preset
One note I see regarding "Headphone Output Level Preset" states to
preset VR6801, VR6802, VR6803, and VR6804 to their 12-o'clock positions.
That info help ?
73 Bill AA4NU