Thu, 13 Jun 1996 21:17:08 -0400
HI everybody!
My name is Luciano and I live in Brazil. I have been using one FT-290RII for
oscar satellite operation for almost two years.
I would like to know how can I improve the radio's reception. I think it can't
hear the satellites well, mainly AO-13 and AO-10( along with 8 elem. yagi).I
think that adding one GaAs FET preamp will solve this. I would like to
install it inside the radio, but I don't know if there is enought room for
one hamtronics preamp.
I also would like to know,why the power meter doesn't moves to full scale
when I
press the PTT. This is happening on all modes and with one ARX-2B Ringo
Ranger. I read the SWR last week and it was OK!
If you had this problem with one FT-290RII, please, feel free to answer me!
If you have seen others lists, that carry information about radio amateur
equipment, please send its address for me.
I thank you in advance for your kind support and as I always remain,
Very truly yours,
Luciano Gasparini Nachif