FT-1000MP XMITs 50.125 Whistle

Andrew Williamson Andrew@gi0nwg.demon.co.uk
Sat, 22 Jun 1996 02:14:13 +0100

In message <31C9F24D.59B3@popd.ix.netcom.com>, Michael Valentine
<#wa8msf@ix3.ix.netcom.com> writes
>Hello all!
>I have an FT-100MP that I dearly love.  However, it radiates a
>carrier that drifts from about 50.121 to 50.134 as it warms up for
>an hour or so.  Starts low cold and drifts up warm.  This is backwards
>from what any normal oscillator would drift.  The main radiation seems
>to come out of the keying jack.  The carrier is about 579 with my Kent 
>paddle plugged in.  If I unplug it, the carrier drops to 529.  Covering 
>the paddle with my hand drops the signal a few S-units.

Aha, Mike has an 'MP which gives OUT RF on the keying jack. Mine is very
susceptible to RF getting IN through the keying jack. The internal
speaker also goes crazy if the headphones are plugged into the 'MP and I
try to work a multiplier on my FT990. This is a real pain in the butt as
it is very distracting. 

Have Yaesu cut too many corners to try to price the 'MP below their
competitors? The FT990 is not disturbed in the slightest by stray RF.

Has anyone else come across these problems with the 'MP?

Any easy remedies gratefully received (no digging inside please!!).
Andrew Williamson, GI0NWG (+G3OZF - U.K. team for WRTC)
E-mail     : andrew@gi0nwg.demon.co.uk
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