Phil Sikes psikes@whidbey.net
Wed, 29 May 1996 09:57:06 -8

Hello to the group.

Are any of you out there using the FT900 and computer rig control? I 
am using the JBI interface and it works great from LOGic4 as well as 
several shareware programs that I have tried. What I can't get to 
work is CT9. I am running windows 95 and have tried from both W95 and 
in DOS mode with no luck. I know the COM port is set right because it 
works with all the other software to control the rig. I did get the 
version of the interface with the keyer option and from DOS mode it 
works fine, but not from windows. Any help would be appreciated.

Thanks for reading my ramblings.

Amateur Radio Station
email: psikes@whidbey.net