[Yaesu] intermod

Fabrizio MODINA modinaf@swsupp.ICO.Olivetti.Com
Tue, 5 Nov 96 09:22:53

I have a FT-1000 and FT-890 with the same problem, intermodulation on 20,15 and
17 meters bands.
These intermodulations there are at evening when a broadcasting on 49 meter
have a strong signal same to 9+ 50db, on ham bands the signals of these stations
have a signal of  S. 6-8.
I am using a windom multiband antenna 40 meters long, I think the problem is a
quality of the same components as to diode ........
If any one have information of this. 

Tnx  73 de IK1VCF  Fabrizio

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