[Yaesu] FT-1000MP 160M Spurious

Dj6rx@aol.com Dj6rx@aol.com
Wed, 6 Nov 1996 13:37:52 -0500

 Saw my friendly YAESU Dealer today. They checked the FT-1000MP
 Indeed they found them. Another brandnew unit from stock produced exactly
the same  spuriouses.
 They called various european YAESU reps to get advice. The outcome was:
 YAESU is aware of the problem. However they claim the spurious is attenuated
 well enough. There is NO FIX on hand to improve the situation.

 Again: Using the FT-1000MP in the range of 1820-1827 produces spurs which
 be heard all over Europe. Other FT-1000MP owners have reported the same.

 The dealer about said:
 Use low power not to interfere with others and burry the antenna 2 feet
 below ground level or better, get rid of the FT-1000MP and buy Kenwood.

 When I asked for his opinion of the FT-1000D he said that Yaesu had stopped
 making it. Only rest of stock is sold...

 Which radio should one buy if you like 160m and QSK-CW?


 73 / Klaus (DJ6RX)

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