[Yaesu] FT-1000D Intermod

sellington sellington@ssec.wisc.edu
11 Nov 1996 09:14:36 -0500

>This intermod is apparently happening in the IF Unit, not
>in the front end.  I can eliminate this intermod by cranking back the RF
>Gain control, which increases AGC voltage to the IF Unit. 

That's possible, but I'm not sure it explains how the strength of the
spur varies linearly with the input signal strength.  Perhaps the
AGC maintains a constant signal level at the stage generating the spur,
but I'd have to think about it.  I still think the most likely cause is
some leakage of an oscillator harmonic into a mixer somewhere.

Still waiting for K7JA to return my call.


Scott  K9MA

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