[Yaesu] FW: Yaesu general coverage transmit modifications

ke7gh@primenet.com ke7gh@primenet.com
Sun, 17 Nov 1996 01:01:04 -0000

From: 	David[SMTP:david@kenpro.com.au]
Sent: 	Saturday, November 16, 1996 7:08 AM
To: 	ke7gh@primenet.com
Subject: 	Yaesu general coverage transmit modifications

I have a friend who is keen to find general coverage transmit modifications
for the FT-1000MP and FT-900 (required for amateur radio station ZK1DG in
the Cook Islands)

Can you help with information, or whether it is available on the 'net.

Many thanks,

David (on behalf of James Goodger,  ZK1DG)


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