[Fwd: Re: [Yaesu] Heil and FT1000MP]

Billy W. Cox aa4nu@ix.netcom.com
Fri, 29 Nov 1996 12:31:07 -0800

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Martin ... Tried to send this to you, but it bounced ! Hopefully
you will see it this way ... 73 Bill AA4NU

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Message-ID: <329F46E5.73AB@ix.netcom.com>
Date: Fri, 29 Nov 1996 12:26:13 -0800
From: "Billy W. Cox" <aa4nu@ix.netcom.com>
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To: #kg8qt@ix.netcom.com
Subject: Re: [Yaesu] Heil and FT1000MP
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Martin G. Mendelson III wrote:
> I seem to remember a thread from a few months ago about the use of Heil
> Prosets or some such and a mod that could be made. Can anyone out there
> tell me how to get ahold of that upgrade to the headphones. I have been
> dealing with the low audio for a while and after much procrastination
> feel it is probably time to get my act together.
> Thanx, Marty KG8QT

First confirm that your Proset has something OTHER than 200 ohm
elements (VOM/DVM will measure it just FB). If the elements are
NOT 200 ohm, then call Heil and explain what rig you are using and
the problem of low audio levels ... I fixed two sets so far, of
interest is ONE set has 16 ohm elements, and the other had 400 (!)
ohms elements ... Both are 200 ohm now, and work well with the MPs.
Be careful swaping the elements ...!!! BTW, increasing the INTERNAL
headphone level adjustments on the MP made little difference here...

73 Bill AA4NU  aa4nu@ix.netcom.com


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