[Yaesu] MS-Windows CAT software & CAT docs

Steve Hajducek n2ckh@cybercomm.net
Tue, 17 Sep 1996 05:54:33 -0400

Hello All..

To everyone interested in MS-Windows rig control software
and CATCC in particular, I will be updating the sampler
of test rig control programs on the WEB site this week.
I am again back at adding additional radio support to CATCC, 
and just wrote code for FT-767GX and FT-980 support for those
that requested it. I have been loaned an FT-767GX and that
code works just fine (lots of data exchange!) but need
people to beta test the FT-980 code.

I am looking to add support for the JRC JST-145 and JST-245,
Yaesu FT-600, Icom IC-775 and Kenwood TS-870S radios as well,
however I need the programming documentation. Should anyone be
able to scan to .BMP (or whatever) file format the documentation
for the new FT-600 and e-mail them in a .zip file or be willing
to fax the docs to 1-908-364-3517 it would be very much appreciated.

To date all my software written has been tested on the following
radios personally and by others:

FT-840, FT-890, FT-990, FT-1000D, FT-736R, FT-767GX, 

TS-450S, TS-850S


I need beta testers for all makes and models, specifically the
Yaesu FT-1000D (etc.) and FT-1000MP, Kenwood TS-870, TS-950 and
their VHF/UHF/Satellite rigs, Icom rigs, Ten-Tec rigs, JRC rigs
and SGC rigs, if interested check out the WEB site and e-mail
you capabilities.

Due to my schedule restrictions I have come to the conclusion that
CATCC will not be released this year. However, an updated beta version
will be released for further wide area testing as soon as possible.
The current beta version at the WEB site (CATCCjr) is quite old and
out of date (October '95) now, stay tuned.

/s/ Steve, N2CKH


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