[Yaesu] FT-990 Problem
Hardy Landskov
Fri, 05 Dec 1997 19:59:19 -0700
No, I have not experienced that one but it sounds to me that the
synthesizer is going out of lock, since VCO #5 tunes from 21.500 to 29.999
MHz. I suspect the flashing is the "out of lock " signal from the PLL chip
and also think that the VCO has either quit or the output has dropped to a
point where it can no longer provide sufficient power so the loop remains
in lock. Since the rest of the frequency range is ok, then it must be the
VCO due to part commomality.
73 Hardy, N7RT a happy FT990 owner.
At 02:16 PM 12/5/97 -0800, Bill Brannick wrote:
>I have a problem with my FT-990. This is a AC unit that predates the DC
>At 21500.oo and above the rig becomes totally inoperative and the
>display cycles on-off at a rate of about 1/sec. Also get a little pop
>from the speaker at the same rate. From 21499.99 and down everything
>seems normal.
>I tried resetting the micro-processor. That did not help.
>Also tried changing modes.
>I do have a call into the folks in Cerritos, but I thought someone here
>may have experienced this one.
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