[Yaesu] Re: Thanks - RE: FT1000MP Key Clicks? IE: All Rigs Can Be Cured
Jan-Erik Holm 0920 239081 , 010 2255226
Mon, 15 Dec 1997 06:58:40 GMT+1
>My only reservation is that almost all of what you see here is anecdotal or
>unscientific information. It's a little dangerous to start condemning
>thousands of radios because one guy thinks he has key clicks! I've heard that
>before during contests and quick subsequent checks by locals during the same
>contest have confirmed that my signal is fine. The only good way to check it
>is with a spectrum analyzer and I doubt anyone on this reflector has done
>that. A less direct way is to look at the modulation waveform...but still I
>doubt any have done this. Then you have to worry about how the radio is set
>up and on and on...
You dont need a spectrum analyzer to find out if your rig has key clicks.
A set of good human ears and a RX will do just fine.
>My bottom line is I wont accept any interference report from anyone who says
>my fundamental is 40 over or more. It's usually a RX problem or the nut
>behind the other wheel, not my transmitter.
IMD is one thing and key clicks another, besides this is a very pigheaded
atitude and I hope its not too common, I would say that if a person has an
atitude like this it sure would qualify him as a nut.
>For one guy to say MP's have a particular problem just because his sample
>group of 1 unit has it is irresponsible, to say the least.
The sample group is much bigger in the key click case.
>at said, I've seen slight power spikes on both of my MP's when they are
>first keyed ( the first dit). All this means is that the ALC is a little slow
>to pick up...it has nothing to do with clicks.
The power spike will do other bad things for you, like make your amp flat top
and that will make you splatter.
>73, Ty K3MM
73 Jim SM2EKM
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