[Yaesu] FT767

msa msa@naples.net
Thu, 8 May 97 05:24:41 -0400


I don't know if I responded or not...I have seen the same question in the 
past month or so on several reflectors. However, let me add my two cents:

I like my 767GX very muc, but your mileage will vary with how you use the 
radio! I am not 'Joe Ham' in the sense thatsome guys have owned just 
about every rig out thee and can compare them from memory. This always 
amazes me. Listen to the Trader's Net here in Florida on 40 and I suppose 
everywhere, or some of the old-timers ragchewing on 80 in the morning, 
and pretty soon you will hear them talk about it.

So with this as background, I like the 767GX becasue it has the module 
capability, because the physical location of VFO switches is very 
thoughtful, bcause I like the way memories are handles, because the 
receiver seems 'hot', at least to me...for a lot of similar subtle 

What I do not like: I wish filtering were available in FSK; there is no 
provision for internal filters of any sort.

My primary activity: RTTY and contesting.

I use a 930S/AT as a backup rig (which is loaded with filters and is For 
Sale!!! only becasue I want an Icom 706) and in some ways the 930 is 
superior, especially if you are into CW, because of the filters. However 
the 767 has a keyer which works for me, while the Kenwood does not.

So from the point of view of the 'average ham', and for the above 
reasons, the 767 is an excellent choice. I also believe that although 
some of these rigs are getting 'old', the fact that they accept modules 
to put them on 2, 430/440, and 6 will make them very popular for a long 
time to come. The modules are a little hard to come by.

As far as price: modules are $200-$225 each. If you are interested in 
satellite work, get the 430 and the 2 meter; mine is equipped this way 
and is super for the birds. I paid $900 for mine a couple of years ago 
(with no modules) and although the price has dropped, it has not dropped 
by much.

Hope this helps.

de Michael N4XSE

my normal email address is: msa@naples.net

if you are a ham radio operator
or if you are abnormal in any way: n4xse@amsat.org


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