[Yaesu] Re: Reflector vs Mail List

WD8ARZ wd8arz@null.net
Sun, 2 Nov 1997 12:06:17 -0500

Good Question, and one I pondered for awhile before using it. It was after
visiting the main www sites that provide and maintain the various posted
messages that I see the term reflector used. Thus I used what the source
folks were calling that activity. I run a full time BBS and I do see that
the termanology does vary.....especially across technical fields. I could
have used the term mailing lists and think the same points I was making
would come out the same......so it makes no difference to

I feel I am off topic for this one, so I will post further responses as
needed as private messages.

Thanks for asking, maybe one of the Web Masters would like to elaborate?

73 from Bill Stamps - WD8ARZ
E-Mail Reply to:

> From: Temp Berdan <temp@mail.org>
> To: WD8ARZ <wd8arz@null.net>
> Cc: yaesu@contesting.com; antennas@qth.net; bitbucket@qth.net;
fox_tango@qth.net; icom@qth.net; lowfer@qth.net; mobile-portable@qth.net;
radio-astronomy@qth.net; ham-software@qth.net
> Subject: [Yaesu] Re: [Icom] Please Read - Use Reflector For Posting
Reply's, NOT Reply To Author Option - Please!
> Date: Sunday, November 02, 1997 11:44 AM
> Good Morning....
> A question: I read over 10 email subscription lists (aka LIST) each day.
> have, until now, never heard the term reflector used on _any_ mailing
> What is the difference between a LIST and a REFLECTOR?
> Thanks,
> Temp Berdan

clip Wd8arz portion about Please Read - Use Reflector For Posting

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