[Yaesu] CAT Interface on 1000MP/CT

Bruce Sawyer N6NT@worldnet.att.net
Mon, 03 Nov 1997 15:21:29 -0800

Tyler Stewart wrote:
> It seems that everyone that has had FT1000 CAT problems has solved them by
> doing a master reset.  I'd suggest writing down all your menu settings and
> then do it.  I think I had to do that to one of mine a  long time ago...I
> havent had any problems with either of mine in over and year running DXbase,
> DX4WIN, CT, NA, or WF1B.
> 73, Ty K3MM

Unfortunately, I've tried that.  A few more times of doing complete
resets and I'll have all the menu options memorized!  Thanks for the
suggestion, though.  At least I now know you've seen my post but haven't
seen the problem yourself.  It's probably something very simple.

BTW, thanks for the SS Q this weekend.

Bruce, N6NT

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