[Yaesu] FT-102 Stuff

swizdor@auburn.cayuga-cc.edu swizdor@auburn.cayuga-cc.edu
Fri, 21 Nov 1997 11:25:25 -0500

From:	SMTP%"elliottr@hurontel.on.ca" 20-NOV-1997 16:03:40.21
To:	swizdor@auburn.cayuga-cc.edu
Subj:	Re: [Yaesu] FT-102 Stuff

At 08:38 AM 11/20/97 -0500, you wrote:
>If anybody has a FT-102 manual handy can you look on page 15 and find
>the letter "D" cable setup and see if your manual has is set up like
>this: one side the neg is the center conductor and the other side has
>neg as the outer conductor. This must be a typo???--What do you think??

Hello Stan...

Yup, that's what it says on page 15 of my FT-102 manual. Wouldn't be too
sure it's a typo though. I know a Japanese mauufacturer of radio control
equipment that wires plugs center negative like the one on the left on page
15.  Can't tell you for sure about Yaesu though.

Good luck + 73

Rod Elliott  VE3IRF

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Date: Thu, 20 Nov 1997 15:52:01 -0500
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From: Rod Elliott <elliottr@hurontel.on.ca>
Subject: Re: [Yaesu] FT-102 Stuff
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