[Yaesu] FT1000MP Receiving Antenna

Ken Keeler kenkeeler@jazznut.com
Fri, 10 Oct 1997 00:01:46 -0700

At 06:48 PM 10/9/97 +0000, you wrote:
>How does the box handel timing, i.e. if you are running QSK is it 
>possible for the box not to cut in the protection till a few msec 
>after you are generating RF?

John,  I don't have the answer to this question either, as I haven't hooked
it up to try QSK yet.  Chuck's (N8BYI) simple statement "works QSK without
a QSK AMP" needs some elaboration, from N8BYI, or maybe Larry, NX0B,  who
just affirmed, on this reflector, the main reason I bought the Front End
Saver, to protect my radio.  I just got Top Ten Decoder box to drive RF
switches and filters, and W2VJN modified it to bring the QSK AMP signal
from the MP to the RCA output jack on the decoder.  Using the "QSK" signal
from the radio should give the proper timing.  But, the AMP's relays will
clatter with the keying.  I haven't thought this through yet, because most
of my operating is contesting, using TRLog SW, with it's PTT keying line,
and haven't yet attempted QSK.  Maybe someone has figured this issue out
for us?  73, Ken

Ken Keeler    N6RO
KO6N  and N6O(CQP 97)
510-625-2707  FAX 510-625-9403

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