[Yaesu] FT-847 + Vox

Peter Bowyer peter@unica.co.uk
Wed, 19 Aug 1998 14:08:05 +0100

A footswitch is an essential accessory to any radio if you're contemplating
contesting or serious rapid-fire work. The computer takes at least one hand,
and the RIT the other... leaving none left for drinking coffee, eating, etc
etc etc...

Peter G4MJS

-----Original Message-----
From: John Hirth <w2ki@amsat.org>
To: Yaesu Reflector <yaesu@contesting.com>; Pa3dmh (Alex van Hengel)
Date: 19 August 1998 13:35
Subject: [Yaesu] FT-847 + Vox

>Hello Alex,
>I've long ago solved the problem of not having enough hands.
>I dislike VOX, so my solution was a foot switch plugged into
>the PTT line of the mike jack along with my Heil headset
>(or elsewhere on some radios). Heil and several others sell
>an adapter for a few dollars that is tailored for each major
>radio manufacturer's mic plug, and has a jack for the PTT foot switch
>and another for the headset's microphone.  It's very easy to just
>make your own.
>I've used foot switches in contests and in ragchewing for many
>years.  With a headset it's the only way to go.
>John W2KI
>> Pa3dmh (Alex van Hengel) wrote:
>> Hello,
>> Alex TL5A is using his FT847 very succesfull. However, he is a bit
limited in his
>> SSB operation having only two hands whilst he need at least three to do
the work.
>> Is there anything on the market to solve this shortcoming i.e. a vox he
can use
>> between Heil headset and his FT847 ?
>> With the upcoming contest season any info is welcomed.
>> Thanks 73
>> -
>> Alex PA3DMH
>> QSL Manager for TL5A, D25L, 9Q2L, 9R1A, 9X5EE, ZS6/PA3DZN
>> Log search : http://www.igr.nl/users/pa3dmh/logs/log_search.html
>> Home : http://www.igr.nl/users/pa3dmh
>> -
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