[Yaesu] HF recommendation
John Hirth
Sat, 22 Aug 1998 08:03:13 -0400
Yes, Harry they can. At least for the FT1000MP, which can be put
in General Coverage transmit from a (normally hidden) service menu.
I don't personally know about other models in Yaesu's recent line, but
I'd be surprised if the same were not true. I'm sure you'll get some
other input with info about other models.
73 and GL,
John W2KI
Happy FT1000MP owner
Harry Hart wrote:
> I'm wondering if any of the current crop of Yaesu rigs can operate out
> of band - specifically, in the Maritime HF bands. I need to have a
> backup rig, which will also perform well (ie: -1000) on Amateur bands -
> and I'm very unimpressed with the commercial rigs I've used so far. Any
> ideas?
> Thanks!
> Harry K7GQ
> Reno, NV
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