[Yaesu] Thks for info Ft1000DvsFt1000MP
Thu, 15 Jan 1998 18:22:26 -0800
Agree, would be great to have a chart showing the differences in
features and specs for the two units.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Joe N8EA [SMTP:softcom@voyager.net]
> Sent: 15 January, 1998 17:00
> To: yaesu@contesting.com
> Subject: Re: [Yaesu] Thks for info Ft1000DvsFt1000MP
> I would like to see a summary of the differences. About the only thing
> I
> dont like about my FT1000D is the weight. Am considering a FT-1000MP
> for
> second rig.
> Has anyone figured out how to interface the 1000 series so RIT can be
> controlled from the keyboard ? I am using TR logging software - which
> cannot perform this function on Yaesu radios but can for Kenwood.
> 73 Joe N8EA
> --
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