[Yaesu] Yaesu FT1000 MP CW
Andrew Williamson
Sat, 24 Jan 1998 02:34:19 +0000
In message <01bd27d4$369004c0$LocalHost@esporic>, ESPOSITO Eric
<esporic@canl.nc> writes
>I have an YAESU FT 1000 MP and when the speed of CW if full down, the speed is
>ONLY 25/30 wpm.
>Can anyone have this problem, and can you help me please.
Interesting, I have a FT1000MP which only goes to 35-40wpm with the
keyer turned up full. It will go right down to about 5-8wpm. Could
anybody with a service manual possibly suggest a pot to turn to adjust
Vy 73,
Andrew Williamson GI0NWG / AC6WI
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