[Yaesu] FT-847 CAT Problem revisited
Ray Dabkowski
Thu, 18 Jun 1998 08:23:50 -0400
I disagree with the earlier posting that there is "nothing wrong" with the
current CAT setup on the FT-847.
The user manual and promotional materials clearly state that radio can be
used for contesting and computer logging. Bull. There is *no way*
retrieve the VFO frequencies from the rig. Yaesu promised me at Dayton
that this issue would be resolved. A month later, I'm still waiting for a
response. Recent email has been ignored.
I agree that the FT-847 is loaded with features, and it has great
performance. However, lack of CAT functionality is unacceptable. The radio
is brain dead.
73, Ray W8RD
The unofficial FT-847 Web site --> http://www.en.com/users/rayd/ft-847
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