[Yaesu] FT-736R question

Bob Burns N9KRS n9krs@ibm.net
Sun, 03 May 1998 05:08:38 -0500

At 5/2/98 08:29 PM, Randy Chapel wrote:

> Does anyone know if the FT-736R is being phased out for the new FT-847?

Randy, I don't have an explicit answer to your question. However, the Yaesu
people I talked to at the Fort Wayne Hamfest last November indicated that
the FT-736 would, indeed, be phased out over time. Probably not until their
inventory of parts or manufactured subassemblies dries up, though.

>Direct the answer to my e-mail address.

I have a bit of a problem with this approach. Many of us read the list to
gain information. However, if all replies to questions such as yours were
directly soley to the questioner's email address and not to the list, then
there wouldn't be much sharing of information on ths list, would there?


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