[Yaesu] FT-890AT Blinking Display

John D. Martin daryl@hawaiian.net
Sat, 17 Apr 1999 00:16:40 -1000

Aloha, thanks in advance for reading this.  I have an FT-890AT with an
interesting intermittent problem.  The entire display will blink off and
on sometimes just once, other times three or four times then it returns
to normal.  When this happens the needle in the meter will drop and the
audio goes mute, when the display comes back on, the needle jumps back
up and audio returns.  The meter lamp as well as all the other lamps on
the radio stay on the whole time and don't even flicker.  Another thing
I noticed is that if the antenna tuner is turned on the green indicator
light goes off and the turner is also turned off when the display starts
to blink.  After the display stops blinking and rig appears to be
working normally again, the automatic antenna turner does not come back
on when the tuner button is pushed.  Only way to get it to come back on
is to off the radio off and turn it back on again and the tuner will
come back on again when the button is pushed.  This problem has been
totally random, radio will go for days without it happening and
sometimes several times in one day.  Sometimes it happens after being on
for hours or will happen the first time I turn it on for the day.

Anyone have this problem before or heard about it?  Any ideas?  Thanks
again for reading this and any help or ideas you may have.  You can
reply to the reflector or to me at daryl@hawaiian.net.

73 and Aloha,
John, WH6EY

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