[Yaesu] FT-890 MIND OF IT's OWN
Larry Menzel
Sat, 17 Apr 1999 17:36:51 -0500
Reset the CPU to defaults...might just be the ticket.
My 890 did some wierd stuff and I reset it and it cleared
it up.
My $.02
Larry, N0XB
At 04:04 PM 4/17/99 -0400, Dave Jordan wrote:
>Hi FOlks,
>I just got off the phone with a ham friend that owns a FT-890. He had
>it on
>this morning and all was well...he went out to the store for some odds
>and ends and when he returned to his radio room the FT-890 was acting
>It was doing the following:
>- Continuousely scanning frequencies.
>- Shift lamp lit and would not go out.
>- Locked in general receive mod
>- TX clarifier lamp lit
>- Will not allow automatic selection of any bands.
>- No panel buttons responding.
>He has powered the unit off and back on several times with no change in
>He's bringing his radio over tomorrow. Would appreciate any thoughts
>from the list ASAP. I'll be most appreciative of comments from Yaseu
>Tech. Support early next week.
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