[Yaesu] Good service....

Kevin kpevin@mediaone.net
Sat, 24 Apr 1999 18:03:33 -0500

Hi all,

As I wrote before I sent one board from my 990 to Yeasu, it arrived there
2/25 and they sent the postcard saying 5 weeks turnaround.  After 5 weeks it
still wasn't even assigned to a tech yet (the girl said 2-3 more weeks).  I
spoke to two women on the phone, one was very helpful and courteous and the
other was very rude and giggled the whole time- I asked her 3 questions and
she never said a word.  I had to say "hello" a couple times before she even
responded to me (she also said it was being worked on, which it wasn't).  I
was so aggravated at her phone manner I called the next day and just had
them send it back, I spoke to John and he was sympathetic and even shipped
it back 2nd day for free.  Luckily the problem wasn't serious (S and ALC
meter reading changes a bit as the radio warms up) so I didn't care - and
neither did the person that bought the radio who was waiting for the board.
I would have left it there to get fixed (After 6 weeks whats a couple more)
but that girl's attitude really irked me.

I am not being a whiner about it, everyone has a bad day but that in my book
is not exactly 'good' service.  After talking to very helpful tech support
department I was really let down by the service department.   I have read
this reflector for a while and noticed some people praise the service
department and some bash it.  I am just happy that it wasn't a serious
problem with the radio, maybe next time I'll be as lucky as Sandy.   I guess
it just depends on luck....

next post will have a call-not in the database yet  :-)

PS. I'm looking for nice dual band mobile (2M/440), anyone in the Chicago
area looking to sell one?

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