Fwd: [Yaesu] Tired of being tired?
David G. Maley
Fri, 18 Jun 1999 08:51:50 -0500 (CDT)
They have not configured the software to only accept mail from
only accepted users. It will take input from anyone and send
it back out the destribution list. If the list modurator is
watching, you may want to consider enabeling this option.
On Fri, 18 Jun 1999, Alek Petkovic wrote:
> Why does this stuff get sent to us via this mailing list? It doesn't happen
> on the other 3 lists I'm on.
> 73 de Alek. VK6APK.
> >X-POP3-Rcpt: vk6apk@thanatos
> >From: "Charles" <steak@hotbot.com>
> >Subject: [Yaesu] Tired of being tired?
> >To: health39je@firewall_sec.secure.metrosystems.co.th
> >X-Mailer: Microsoft Outlook Express 4.72.1712.3
> >Date: Thu, 17 Jun 1999 23:00:37 -0500
> >X-MIME-Autoconverted: from quoted-printable to 8bit by contesting.com id
> BAA25147
> >Sender: owner-yaesu@contesting.com
> >X-Sponsor: W4AN, KM3T, N5KO & AD1C
> >
> >
> >Hello! My name is Joanne Harbert and I am the owner of Family Tree
> >Health and Nutrition. I am e-mailing you to let you know of the
> >services I provide. In todays world of fast food and fast pace we
> >sometimes find ourselves neglecting the most important thing to us,
> >our body. I know what your thinking I have seen ads and commercials
> >everywhere for nutritional supplements for this and that, anything
> >you can imagine really. My excitement stems from a company called
> >akahi.com. I became involved with this company in 1998. I myself
> >being in the medical profession was told in school there was no need
> >for supplements you get all you need through the food you eat. I bet
> >my instructors have changed their minds know. Food is not processed
> >the way it used to be. Our food has tended to lose all the good
> >stuff your body needs. Leaving us feeling tired or with a multitude
> >of other symptoms the doctors don't know how to treat.
> >It's time we got back to the basics with nutrition. Myself personally
> >after starting a program of supplements have experienced more energy,
> >better skin, nails, and hair. I also have been losing weight. It was
> >hard to believe that was all it took. Let me take a moment of your
> >time and describe the products offered and the pricing. -Our
> >nutritional products are cold processed where applicable. Cold
> >processing is a technique that blends the various nutritional
> >ingredients together without the use of heat. This processing allows
> >us to preserve all of the
> >enzymes that are necessary for food and nutritional assimilation.
> >-Our products are organic, which simply means that the various
> >nutritional supplements are created in an enviroment free of
> >pesticides and pollutants. The products can be broken down into 5
> >groups-general health mainenance,weight loss management systems, body
> >cleansing system, topical analgesics, and physical fitness. No matter
> >what your needs are, it is all here.
> >
> >AM Force--Code# 1111 A comprehensive food supplement combined with
> >concentrated plant enzymes. Acts as energy stimulator and vitamin
> >supplement.30 day supply Retail-$29.95 Wholesale-$21.95
> >
> >PM Theta--Code#1112 A excellent source of bioenhancing minerals
> >which help accelerate cell repair. PM Theta Sleep works with
> >this vital rest period to provide the essential minerals & trace
> >elements needed to ensure proper assistance of over 6000 enzymatic
> >functions in our body. 30 day supply Retail-$19.95
> >Wholesale-$14.95
> >
> >OPC 300+--Code#5117 A super antioxidant designed to neutralize free
> >radicals in the body. Free radicals destroy
> >good cells-leaving your body vulnerable to illness and disease 30 day
> >supply Retail-$37.50
> >Wholesale-$29.95
> >
> >Cardio Care--Code#1261 Effective in regulating cholesterol buildup in
> >the bloodstream. 30 day supply.
> > Reatil-$36.95 Wholesale-$26.95
> >
> >Phytoblast--Code#1131 Enhances the absorption of other nutrients and
> >controls toxic reaction caused by drugs and chemical exposures from
> >our diet & enviroment. Also has applications for stress management,
> >skin
> >disorders and age associated diseases. 30 day supply Reatail-$30.60
> >Wholesale-$22.95
> >
> >8 Seconds--Code#1151 A natural vitality booster which is designed to
> >promote a state of inner healing and immune resistance 30 servings
> >Retail-$29.95 Wholesale-$21.95
> >
> >Joule--Code#7601 Designed to supercharge your body and
> >replenish the body's electrolytes. Application in improving digestion
> > and acts as an anti-inflammatory. Contains pure Board Certified
> >aloe vera and 24k
> >pharmaceutical gold.32 servings Retail-$39.95 Wholesale-$29.95
> >
> >Pure Intelligence Code#1141 Increased mental clarity and enhancement
> >or neurotranmitter functions. Is a dynamic source of diosgenin
> >growth hormone. Has significant effect on the balance of hormone
> >levels.
> >30 day supply Retail-$9.95 Wholesale-$6.95
> >
> >Bunjeez--Code#1152 Packed with vitamins and minerals which makes a
> >delicious energy enhancing dietm supplement 60 pieces
> > Retail-$19.95 Wholesale-$14.95
> >
> >Neurotein--Code#1321 Weight loss product. Promotes a steady stream of
> >available glucose for continuous energy while blocking the conversion
> >of glucose to fat. Neurotein has shown to be effective for
> >controlling the body's blood sugar levels. 30 day supply Retail-$39
> >.95 Wholesale-$24.95
> >
> >Lazer Thin--Code#1361 Accelerated weight loss. Lazer Thin's powerful
> >proactive ingredients work at the cellular level to supercharge
> >your metabolism which inhibits excess calories from being converted
> >to fat. Also acts to lessen food intake.
> > 32 day supply Retail $49.95
> >Wholesale $39.95
> >
> >Neurosculpt--Code#1344 Designed to regulate the metabolism to reduce
> >fat while building muscle tissue. Acts as a meal replacement or
> >nutritional drink. 14 servings Retail $33.25 Wholesale $24.95
> >
> >Signatures--Code#1524 Removes toxins and unwanted waste material by
> >cleaning the colon, small intestines and tissues at a deep cellular
> >level. Designed for total body cleansing. Powder. Taken for 1 day.
> >Reatail $23.95
> > Wholesale $17.95
> >
> >Optiklenz--Code#1501 A natural herbal laxative which softens the
> >buildup of harmful toxins through health elimination.
> > 24 capsules Retail $12.95 Wholesale
> >$9.95
> >
> >Total Digestive Care (TDC)Code #1502 Aids in digestive process
> >providing healthy elimination of harmful bacteria, pesticides, and
> >chemical additives. A premium fiber supplement for the entire
> >digestive system. 30 day supply
> > Retail $33.95 Wholesale $24.95
> >
> >There are also packages available as follows:
> >Power Pack--Code #2211 Includes AM Force, PM Theta, Optiklenz, Total
> >Digestive Care, Signatures, Neurosculpt, Neurotein Pure Intelligence,
> >Phytoblast, Bunjeez, 8 Seconds Retail $263.70 Wholesale $169.95
> >
> >Xtreme Value Pack--Code #2231 Includes Total Digestive Care, Cardio
> >Care, AM Force, PhytoBlast, Xtreme Minerals
> > Retail $160.40 Wholesale $105.95
> >
> >Xtreme Health Pack--Code #2232 Includes Total Digestive Care, AM
> >Force, Xtreme Minerals, Pure Intelligence, PhytoBlast, 8 Seconds,
> >Bunjeez, Cardio Care Retail $220.25 Wholesale $149.95
> >
> >This is a partial list of the products offered, it gives a good
> >overview of what is offered. If you are wondering why the wholesale
> >prices are listed it is simple-you should know.
> >
> >HOW TO GET WHOLESALE PRICES-- You pay a one time $10.00
> >consultantship fee. No this does not require you to do anything
> >further, you are not obligated to sell,distribute or anything-just
> >enjoy the products at
> >wholesale. What a deal! Now if you wish to become involved in the
> >business as I am doing you will get a business package explaining the
> >business further for the $10.00 you pay but you are not required to
> >do anything, the $10.00 just allows you to buy the product direct
> >from the company.
> >
> >IF YOU WISH TO PURCHASE AT RETAIL PRICE you can order through Family
> >Tree Health & Nutrition.
> >
> >TO ORDER WHOLESALE: 1. You will need my name Joanne Harbert, ID
> >#124814, Phone #1-888-685-8516. Write this down.
> > 2. Call Akahi.com toll free
> >order # 1-800-616-1376 Monday- Friday 8:30 am-8:30 pm (CST) to
> >expedite the application process and place your order.
> > 3. Simply provide your name,
> >phone number, and ID#124814 to the order entry
> >representative when you place your order. Also inform them of your
> >complete shipping address and perferred method of payment (Visa,
> >MasterCard, Discover, American Express).
> >
> > After you recieve the start-up kit simply fill
> >out the application and mail the signed copy back to Akahi.com,
> >15105 Surveyor Blvd., Dallas, TX 75244
> >
> >TO ORDER RETAIL: Simply call 1-888-685-8516. Accept MasterCard or
> >Visa.
> >
> >TO ORDER RETAIL VIA CHECK : Please make check payable to Family Tree
> >Health & Nutrition, 201 23rd St., WDM, Ia 50265
> >
> >Please include what products you would like and add $6.50 for
> >shipping and
> >handling.
> >
> >GUARANTEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
> >!!!!!!!!
> >
> >You can also reach us at jharbert@akahi.com for questions or orders
> >or call 1-888-685-8516.
> >
> >/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
> >//
> >Please remove at mailto:franz276@compuserve.com?subject=remove
> >/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
> >//
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >--
> >FAQ on WWW: http://www.qsl.net/k7on/yaesu.html
> >Submissions: yaesu@contesting.com
> >Administrative requests: yaesu-REQUEST@contesting.com
> >Problems: owner-yaesu@contesting.com
> >Search: http://www.contesting.com/km9p/search.htm
> >
> --
> FAQ on WWW: http://www.qsl.net/k7on/yaesu.html
> Submissions: yaesu@contesting.com
> Administrative requests: yaesu-REQUEST@contesting.com
> Problems: owner-yaesu@contesting.com
> Search: http://www.contesting.com/km9p/search.htm
FAQ on WWW: http://www.qsl.net/k7on/yaesu.html
Submissions: yaesu@contesting.com
Administrative requests: yaesu-REQUEST@contesting.com
Problems: owner-yaesu@contesting.com
Search: http://www.contesting.com/km9p/search.htm