[Yaesu] PC 920 Cat Control

john-k1rc@juno.com john-k1rc@juno.com
Tue, 12 Dec 2000 23:21:18 -0500

Hi all,

Has anyone used the application CAT CONTROL PC-920
rig control program?

I'm using ver 1.0 and alot of the functionality is there,
but it leaves a lot to be desired.

I bought this s/w at the NE ARRL convention in Aug 2k.
While talking to the guy behind the counter he said there
was an update coming to the people who bought the
s/w at that time... So I signed the book w/ name,
e-mail etc.
The update would be e-mailed within a week, so he said.

Does anyone in the NY/NJ area know the author of
this s/w?  I've sent him several e-mails, but no answer.
His e-mail is catcontrol@yahoo.com, but it seems he 
either doesn't read his mail or he doesn't
care to keep his word to his customers... 
Have I been led down the golden path, along with 
a few others?

Anyone have any ideas, comments, suggestions, 
constructive criticsm?

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