[Yaesu] KAM and FT-920...Married!

Nate Bargmann Nate Bargmann <n0nb@networksplus.net>
Sat, 1 Jul 2000 21:43:58 -0500

Ok, some of this already made it to the list, but part of it
hasn't due to my fat fingers!

Well, folks, as usually happens, I think I figured out the issue
after pressing the panic button.  I wound up setting menu U-46
in the FT-920 to 1700-L, am using the Data-USB mode selection,
am feeding the radio using the data jack on the rear and am
using AFSK.  In the KAM I made sure the MARk and SPace parameters
were set to default (1600 and 1800 repesctively) and set SHift
to MODEM.  I just had a nice QSO with a station in MA, so I'd say
it's working.

Here is  my wiring:

KAM     Color           FT-920 Data jack
Pin 1   White           Pin 1
Pin 2   Blk & Shld      Pin 2
Pin 3   Brown           Pin 3
Pin 6   Purple          Pin 4

Make sure the switch on the rear of the radio is set to AFSK as

Thanks to those who replied.

73, de Nate >>

 Wireless | Amateur Radio Station N0NB          | "None can love freedom
 Internet | n0nb@networksplus.net               | heartily, but good
 Location | Wichita, Kansas USA EM17hs          | men; the rest love not
   Wichita area exams; ham radio; Linux info @  | freedom, but license."
             http://www.qsl.net/n0nb/           | -- John Milton

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