[Yaesu] Yes It Is - available audio on FT100MP or MK V
WD8ARZ" <wd8arz@ix.netcom.com
Tue, 18 Dec 2001 21:01:04 -0500
Hello John, we just covered that exact question on the FT-1000 reflector.
That reflector can be signed up by going to http://www.qth.net/ and on the
left choose the 1000mp selection and fill in your email address and
subscribe.This reflector includes the MkV and MP versions. In the mean time
I have posted the information below.
73 from Bill - WD8ARZ
(partial copy)
By turning the transmit monitor on (MONI button), monitor volume to minimum
(counter clockwise to avoid feedback in the listen speakers), I have found
that by recording from the AF Out audio output jack on the rear of the
FT-1000MP (not speaker out jack), you can record in stereo or mono and have
transmitted audio and CW side tone output as part of the audio from the sub
receiver to a hard drive file or tape recorder. Even if the receiver is
muted, transmitted audio is still part of the output on this jack. Changing
the receiver volume, or moni volume doesn't change the output at this jack.
Make sure you are using a 'stereo' plug on the rear AF Out audio output
The sub receiver is used by the moni function, and the audio from the sub
receiver is also available on the 'stereo' plug on the rear AF Out audio
output jack. It also doesn't matter if the sub receiver is hot or muted, the
transmitted audio and cw side tone are still on the rear af out jack.
If your looking to record in mono, then use a stereo output connector on the
rear af out audio jack, and then simply connect the two separate outputs
together as a single out put and send it to your recording source. Have done
that many times here and it works find. There are adapters at Radio Shack to
do just this arrangement if you don't want to hard wire it
Enjoy, glad to be of help.
73 from Bill - WD8ARZ
---- Original Message -----
From: John Devoldere
To: yaesu@contesting.com
Sent: Tuesday, December 18, 2001 18:24
Subject: [Yaesu] available audio on FT100MP or MK V
The audio oputput available oin the RTTY, FSK or AF-out connector of the
Ft1000 MP (or mark V) only gives the receive audio. I need to have the
transmit audio (monitor audio) there as well for recording purposes. Anyone
knows how to fix that? BTW I do not want to use the headphone or speaker
output because those outputs are controled b the audio potentiometer.
Thank you and 73
john, ON4UN