[Yaesu] FT-1000MP CAT MANUAL

ContstEmailAlias@aol.com ContstEmailAlias@aol.com
Wed, 7 Feb 2001 22:15:35 EST

Hi Helmut,

I worked with Chip at Yaesu when we were adding support for the 1000MP to Log 
Windows.  What is in the manual is the full reference.  There is a doc error 
though, on Opcode 5 (VFO A./B) the param must always be a '1' to toggle the 
VFO from A to B. (You can't tell it which VFO to go to, just to toggle the 
VFO). I told Chip about this, and he's updating it in the newer user manuals.

But what is in the 1000MP manual is ALL the CAT commands the 1000MP supports. 
Many functions that the MP has are not supported in the CAT interface.

Rick - W4PC

In a message dated 2/7/2001 14:52:14 PM Central Standard Time, 
helmut@df7zs.de writes:

<< Hi There.
 Where can I find a full reference of all commands
 the FT-1000MP understands through his PC (CAT)
 interface ?
 There must be more stuff than you'll find in the manual.
 How to adjust output power via CAT ?
 How to access the TUNE from FH-1 via CAT ?
 Hackers guide needed.
 www.df7zs.de >>

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