[Yaesu] Pin Diodes (Was FT1000D gone deaf)
Robin Thompson
Sun, 16 Sep 2001 18:29:08 +0100
Hi all
I've just spent several hours trying to reinstate a fault on my FT1000D!
(S/No OPO4****)
The sensitivity above 14Mhz appeared to have dropped off by a factor of
12 - 15dbs. I suspected the fault was induced during a contest where my
rig was used as a "spotter station". Using a white noise generator that
appears "flat" in output on other rigs confirmed the above conditions -
it appeared to be a bandpass filter problem and I suspect the 1SS83 pin
diodes - HOWEVER on checking that they were switching OK the "fault"
went away again !
I don't think it was a connector problem. Does anyone have experience of
the reliability of these diodes and is it worth replacing them if the
fault shows itself again at a later date ?
Robin Thompson
City of Bath