[Yaesu] Yaesu FT50R Question...

K5XS@aol.com K5XS@aol.com
Tue, 27 Aug 2002 10:55:19 -0400

That behavior is consistent with a dead battery.  The charger does not provide enough current to transmit (I suppose it might if you configure the low power setting for its lowest value).

A new battery should fix the problem.  You might also consider getting the alkaline battery shell and using it.

Bernie Skoch

In a message dated Tue, 27 Aug 2002 8:35:55 AM Eastern Standard Time, mlist@shieldip.com writes:

> Hey Group,
> I have a Yaesu FT50R that I haven't used in a about
> six months.  The battery for it is now dead, which I
> understand happens.
> When I connect the rig to power via the battery charger I
> am still able to receive, however, whenever I try
> to transmit I get a beep error.  (The same beep that
> I would get if I was trying to transmit on a frequency
> not supported by the rig).
> Is this the expected behavior of the unit because the
> battery is dead or should it be fully functional when
> connected via the battery charger?
> I'd like to find out before spending the money on additional
> batteries and accessories.
> I've emailed Yaesu Technical Support, but have not heard
> back from them. Given the extensive, thorough, and detailed support
> website that Yaesu has, I am not holding my breath for a 
> response
> from their online email address.
> Thanks...
> SnowDog
> mlist@shieldip.com