[Yaesu] FT-1000D AF out sidetone
R. Kline
Sun, 1 Dec 2002 04:47:46 -0000
hmmmmm my FT-1000D has the same audio on the rear jack as on the front
Riki, 4X4NJ
----- Original Message -----
From: "Jim White, K4OJ" <k4oj@tampabay.rr.com>
To: "Jim McCook" <w6ya@cox.net>
Cc: "Yaesu Reflector" <yaesu@contesting.com>
Sent: Sunday, December 01, 2002 12:39 AM
Subject: Re: [Yaesu] FT-1000D AF out sidetone
> agreed
> I thought I would cleanse the operatkng desk by taking the audio out of
> the speaker jack on the back - that way no plug sticking out of the rig
> in fron - then I found I had no control over the seidetone (moni)
> level... boy, I sure was loud!
> My solution was to but some streamlined right angle stereo adpators from
> Radio Shack, they are molded and rather sleek - plu this allowed me to
> keep my mini plug which was in the speaker jack on the back....
> Now I can go through a weekend without resulting deafness again... as
> the post states however if there were an EASY modification to allow all
> this to be done from the jack on the back I would prefer doing that in
> order to eliminate the plug which of course is right next to the drive
> control and hence in the way.
> 73,
> Jim, K4OJ
> Jim McCook wrote:
> >Has anyone ever figured out a mod to supply fixed sidetone audio to the
> >main VFO-A channel at the AF OUT jack? Anyone who has tried to record
> >at AF OUT knows that there is no sidetone or monitor audio available
> >except at the channel for the SUB VFO, which is really useless. It
> >would be wonderful to have both sidetone and SSB monitor audio available
> >there. This would be a very worthwhile mod. I get lost around Q3024 in
> >the audio board, where it seems there is mixed output for both, ahead of
> >the MONI switch. It seems to be fed to the base of Q3052 for the sub
> >VFO channel; it needs to be at Q3051 for the main VFO channel.
> >
> >Perhaps someone out there with real engineering talent may need this
> >feature enough to figure it out. It's way beyond me...
> >
> >Jim
> >W6YA
> >
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