[Yaesu] ft-1000 filtering position/location

bobby.freeman@cibavision.novartis.com bobby.freeman@cibavision.novartis.com
Mon, 23 Dec 2002 08:01:25 -0500

ft-1000 filter positioning/location.

     With rig upside down, covers removed and front facing me, when looking
down at filters, what is the correct positioning of the c-d-e-f filters. I
know that A and B are in the 4 filters on the left. Would appreciate your
My radio  ( not original owner) seems to have all filters installed, but I
think they may be located incorrectly.
Thank you .

PS:    also, this is an early 1000 and the manual references an error in
the diagram for filter location. I believe someone may have followed the
incorrect diagram.
