Jeff Crilly
Fri, 14 Jun 2002 16:29:02 -0700
> -----Original Message-----
> From: ext j.hilton1 [mailto:j.hilton1@ntlworld.com]
> Anyone able to recommend what is best
> for cleaning and taking small scratches out off the plastic frequency
> display panel ?? nothing too deap, just a few small scrapes received over
> the years,
novus plastic polish and scratch remover may be the thing....
I recently bought a used IC-W2A icom dualbander.
The display lens (plastic, afaik) sorta bulges from the
radio. It had all kinds of scratches on it, some deep,
but mostly it was just the usual "fog" type scratch.
The local plastic store (Tap Plastics out here in northern CA
- they make signs, plastic boxes, window tint, etc) had some
bottles of the Novus stuff, but for what I wanted to do with it,
they just gave me some sample packs.
I masked off the area of the display with scotch tape -- so
as to not "clean off" any markings (e.g. the icom logo) and
went at it with Novus #2 and lint free paper towel
(also from the plastic store).
Wow! five or ten minutes later, no more fog. The deep
scratches are essentially gone. (I was going to do
Novus #3 for the deep scratches, but they are barely
noticeable, and dont affect the use, so I'll just skip it.)
I'd keep the Novus stuff away from lettering, painted plastic, etc.
It doesnt disolve it, but using it on such a surface would
probably remove the lettering/paint.
P.s. I have no affiliation with any of the products mentioned above.