[Yaesu] More FT1000-D computer interface questions
Barry Kirkwood
Tue, 12 Mar 2002 22:58:00 -0000
Thanks to everybody who responded to my query about computer interface with
the FT1000-D
Very useful information and forgive me for not replying to you individually.
The way things look to me now:
1. Will almost certainly homebrew an interface.
2. Main objective at the present time is to use with writelog in cw
3. I have the February 1993 QST article on computer controlling radios, and
also N6RK has sent me his design. Thanks.
4. Both the above use the ICL 232 or Max232 interface which I suspect will
not be easy to find in ZL. Can anyone advise who can supply in one off
quantity and would mail to ZL?
5. On N1EU's home page ( www.albany.nwt/~bg/) there is a very simple
interface design ex RK3BT for use with Log-EQF software. Barry N1EU says he
has had no feedback about the effectiveness of this circuit. Has anyone
experience with it, or can offer an opinion? I could build this one
forthwith with materials to hand.
Thanks and 73
Barry Kirkwood PhD ZL1DD
Signal Hill Homestay
66 Cory Road
Palm Beach
Waiheke Island 1240