[Yaesu] FT-990 Frequency Hopping
N6EU" <rruggieri@socal.rr.com
Tue, 19 Mar 2002 14:11:34 -0000
Started to notice my FT-990 moving around in Frequency during this past =
weekends BARTG RTTY contest. Rig would jump off frequency a hundred Hz =
or so and then return. The problem seemed to lessen with time and after =
a warm up but think it still was happening from time to time during the =
test. Dial readout never changed and the frequency deviations were on =
both the TX and RX signals. Thinking of trying to order the high =
stability TXO option if it is available. From what I can see this =
problem is on all bands and modes. Anyone out there heard of this =
problem and have any ideas?
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