[Yaesu] FT-23R problem - reset radio

paolino@enel.it paolino@enel.it
Mon, 20 May 2002 13:21:18 +0200

I have a Yaesu FT23-R the problem is:

Normally the Frequency should be a multiply of 5/10 KHz, now I turn on my
radio and display shows a frequency like "150.04" if I change the frequency
with a "step-keys" it changes in "150,085" (the 5 is in a small dimension
near the frequency ) then in "150,14" , "150,185" , "150,24" and so on. The
10KHz Step and 1Mhz-step function right.

Do I have to reset my Radio ? 
Someone can help Me ?

Paolo Sabatini 
Rome- Italy paolino@enel.it

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