[Yaesu] Ft-1000MP Mark-V Field & QSK Amp's
B. Peter Treml
Thu, 23 May 2002 20:00:03 -0400
I picked up a Mark-V Field at Dayton. The manual spends a lot of time
cautioning about interfacing with non-yaesu QSK amp's. Has anyone had
any problems using pins 2 & 8 of the band data jack? or the ALC
connection? FYI- the amp is a QRO 2500DX.
Any information would be helpful.
B.Peter Treml, K8PT K8PT@arrl.net
725 W. Magnetic St. K8PT@chartermi.net
Marquette,Michigan PeterTreml@nmbank.com
49855-2730 http://www.qrz.com/callsign/k8pt