[Yaesu] FT-620B CW/AM Problems

KBØNLY kb0nly@svtv.com
Thu, 7 Nov 2002 18:56:04 -0600

This is my first time posting so I hope it works!!

I have a FT-620B that has a curious problem, when 
I bought it half a year ago all the modes worked.  AM,
CW,USB,LSB, this rig does not have FM.  Now the 
other day I decided to once again try it on CW but neither 
CW or AM seem to work any more.  On CW with key 
down I hear the relay click to transmit and I hear the sidetone 
but the meter isn't showing any power out on the radio, 
I also don't see any power out on a wattmeter.  However 
you can hear the relay click over to transmit and the receiver 
quiets.  On AM for this radio you are supposed to set the 
AM CARRIER control to the desired power out by the 
meter, I also no longer see any power out by the radios 
meter or by the wattmeter.  On USB and LSB however 
the radio works beautifully and I use it nearly everyday to 
chat with the locals.

I suspected the relay at first, but since it was working on 
CW about 5-6 months ago and so was the AM and now 
suddenly it doesn't leads me to believe that something went 
dead in the radio.  Is the AM and CW closely related in 
this radio that they would both be affected if one component 
gave up?  On AM when you push the PTT on the mic you 
can hear the relay click, but you can also hear a loud pop 
from the speaker when doing so.  On CW you hear the relay 
click on and hear the sidetone while sending then of course 
you hear the relay click off.

I can't find any mention of Yaesu ever publishing a service/maintenance 
manual for this radio, seems odd to me since the 101B I used to 
have had one, and the FT-221 that I recently resurrected from the 
dead had one that was easy to obtain.

So, does anyone have any suggestions?  Is there any other 
FT-620B owners out there or someone who knows what's 
wrong?  Is there indeed a service manual for this radio, that 
would be of significant help also.  You can email me at:


And check out my Web Page!  www.qsl.net/kb0nly

Thanks in Advance and 73,

Scott,  KB0NLY

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