[Yaesu] [Fwd: FT-901D with External Electronic Keyer]

CARLSON carlson@hargray.com
Fri, 25 Oct 2002 07:58:49 -0400

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: FT-901D with External Electronic Keyer
Date: Fri, 25 Oct 2002 07:49:31 -0400
From: CARLSON <carlson@hargray.com>
To: yeasu@contesting.com

Fellow Hams,
I sent this message yesterday but apparently it did not make it. Forgive 
me if this is dupe. I am new to this reflector but have been on the 
Collins for many years and know there is a wealth of experience and 
information available on the reflectors.
I recently acquired a FT-901D, no built in keyer,  from a ham just too 
old to operate any longer. Cosmetics are good and the only function that 
does not operate is the Reject/Width  but that's for another day. Here 
is my present problem as I work CW almost exclusively have had an MFJ 
Electronic Keyer for over twenty years. I have used it on Collins, 
Drake, Kenwood and an FT-102 with no problems are need for modification. 
The output from the keyer is phono plugs.. That leaves only two Keyer 
circuit wires available to the three position plug into the FT-901D. I 
have tried every wiring configuration possible using the two wires from 
the Keyer to the Transceiver three conductor plug. When turing the 
transceiver keyer switch to MAN, I get either a constant key down or 
nothing depending on the wiring configuration. A straight hand key works 
I am out of options and help will be greatly appreciated. Thanks.
73, Don Carlson, K4KI

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